Research on AR Based Learning with The University of Oslo

We are so proud and happy to share that we will be working together with educational experts from the University of Oslo! The project will be led by professor Hans Christian Arnseth from the institute for pedagogy.

Goal of the Research Project

The goal of this research project is to develop a cross curricular educational program for active design based learning with AR technology. This means that the University of Oslo will develop guidelines for further development, using design methods and principals for multi disciplinary education. Professor Arnseth and his pedagogical team of researchers will also give knowledge based recommendations for further product development, to make Ludenso Create flexible and children friendly. This will help us enable more children to become digital creators. Another thing that makes this research project exciting, is that it will help us enable teachers to have more in depth learning sessions based on digital creativity.

Pedagogical Competence in the Project

We will be working together with a science teacher and her class of 10th year students throughout this semester to build this knowledge. So far the project looks very promising, and we are very excited to learn from our middle school research partner, the pupils and the University.

Professor Arnseth's pedagogical fields are simulations, computer games, socio cultural theories, conversational analysis, learning in maths and science, as well as writing and reading literacy. His ongoing projects include "Local literacies and community spaces (NFR-prosjekt/FRISAM)" and "MIRACLE (Mixed reality interactions across contexts of learning, NFR-prosjekt/VERDIKT)".

The Research Council's Role in the Project

This project is possible thanks to FORREGION through the research council. It is financed by Oslo and Akershus, who are investing in research and innovation that builds knowledge for a sustainable future and meets major societal challenges. We are very thankful for this opportunity, and look forward to seing the results!