Research on inclusive use of XR

The project is led by senior researcher Joschua Thomas Simon-Liedtke, who has a doctorate in image processing for people with impaired color vision and who has extensive experience within universal design and technical accessibility. Furthermore, chief researcher Kristin S. Fuglerud from NR will contribute with her expertise. She has a doctorate in universal design.

Joschua Thomas Simon-Liedtke from the Norwegian Computing Center

What are we researching?

The project is about mapping the learning effects of XR technology in school, practical barriers for students with varying functional abilities and their possible solutions for success with XR technology in school. In the project, we will analyze the learning effects of using the AR app Ludenso Explore in collaboration with traditional textbooks. In addition, we will identify barriers that students with disabilities may encounter in the use of the book and map concrete solutions for these barriers.

In this way, we will be able to contribute to more XR companies gaining access to practical guidelines. This will enable more companies to create inclusive solutions, at the same time as we at Ludenso gain greater insight into how we can play more good students.

How does the research take place?

Together with NR, we will carry out a research project with student groups in Oslo, where there will be students with different learning barriers. Here we will be present in the classroom, and interview teachers and students afterwards to gain a better understanding of their perspective on learning with AR technology.

Bufdir's role

This project is possible thanks to the Bufdir initiative "Grants for universal design 2022". The call is anchored in the action plan for universal design Sustainability and equal opportunities - a universally designed Norway (2021–2025). The aim of the subsidy scheme is to develop and strengthen the implementation of universal design and contribute to a better quality of life and equality for people with disabilities.

We are very grateful for this opportunity and we look forward to include more learners in years to come.