Research on the Pedagogical Potential of Augmented Reality

We are proud and happy to share that we collaborate with leading experts on edtech from the University of Stavanger. The project is led by Paolo Scarbocci, who is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Arts and Education, and Morten B. Njaa who is a research fellow from the National Center for Reading Education and Research.

What Are We Researching?

This is a project where we, together with the University of Stavanger, and the partner schools and teachers will create different pedagogical designs where new technology and innovative pedagogy are closely integrated. In this way, we will lay the foundation for a better understanding of which teaching materials are best suited for the use of AR (augmented reality) technology in schools.

The main goal of this project is to evaluate how new AR technology can function as a pedagogical tool in K-12 education. The researchers will test how AR technology in specific teaching situations can give us research-based knowledge about the use of digital technology in classrooms. The results will then help us offer teachers and students a more collaborative, creative and practical learning experience.

How Is The Research  Being Conducted?

Together with the University of Stavanger we will visit 4 schools on the Western part of Norway. We will then observere in the classrooms of the different schools, and conduct in depth interviews and have conversations with the teachers and students. This way we hope to gain a better understanding of their perspectives and experiences with creative teaching using 3D modeling and AR technology.

The Research Council's Role

This research project is possible thanks to RFF Oslo through the Research Council of Norway, and it is funded by the regional research fund in Oslo. They invest in research and innovation that helps them gain new knowledge about how they can achieve Oslo's goals for a knowledge-based social and business development.

We are grateful for this opportunity to do research-based innovation, and we look forward to seeing the results - stay tuned!

RFF Oslo